Monday, June 10, 2013

Top 38 TV Shows of the 2012-2013 TV season

I'm back, and I might actually finish the list this time. I don't have a job right now so more time for this blog! I'm sure all of my 4 fans are happy it's back. Up to 417 views. Who would of thunk it? I was just a boy with a dream at the start of 2011. Who would of thought I would have 417 page views in just two and half years?

Anyway, this list. All shows that started in June 2012- May 2013 are eligible. To be eligible I have to have seen at least 3/4 of the shows aired. So, Family Guy which I finally gave up on like I should have 5 years ago wouldn't be on as I've seen maybe 5 episodes this season.

38. How I Met Your Mother

Which is bad news for HIMYM, as Family Guy is always a contender for bottom of the list. And honestly, it wasn't horrible like The Office 8th season ( which was bottom on last years never written list). I still enjoy it a bit, but it is easily the most complained about show between me and friends where we are just like, man, HIMYM sucks now. I'm not even including the fact that Ted won't met the mother until the final ep as part of this ranking. It took the show until about December to have a good episode. Most of the first half of the season are just bad or meh episodes. The main problem is bringing in Quinn and Victoria when Barney and Ted we know end up with Robin and the mother, So Quinn who we spend so many episodes with last season just gets tossed off in the second episode without much build up. Victoria, they underplayed her too much so fans won't be like "She should of been the mother". It was unneeded in my opinion. And baby stories with Marshall and Lily are basically mostly snoozers. Also, enough of Ted still being in love with Robin. Last season they randomly brought the thread back after 4 seasons of not hinting he still loved her. Now he's skipping town because of her?  There are a few episodes in this season where they were on par with good seasons of HIMYM, but maybe 4 good episodes don't make up for a bunch of C+ level episodes.

Season Grade: C+
Best Ep: PS, I Love You
They brought back Robin Sparkles and it didn't disappoint. Just a well done Behind the Music parody. Funny throughout.
Worst Ep: The Pre Nup
The worst of the "Autumn of Breakups" episodes.

37. Glee

This season of Glee is an improvement, but still it's not at all a good show. Glee the college years parts of the season have their moments. The new high schools really don't add too much. Jake is Puck Lite. Kitty is a worse version of Quinn ( who was already one of the worst characters). Unique has some potential as a character but is underutilized. Mr. Schue as usual is awful, Finn is kind of dick but we are supposed to like him? Why isn't this show on the bottom? I should change it. Nope, too lazy. So much cut and pasting.  Um, Sam is usually a funny character and the songs are good. Actually, maybe not. Gangham Style was maybe the worst Gangham style cover I have heard including one some high schoolers did that was spreading across the Internet one day where they changed it to "Hey, Lunch Lady. Op Op Op Opium Spartan Style" And the whole "Baby Got Back" debacle. If you are going to steal someone else's cover of it without telling them, then change the song during the part where he changes to lyrics to his own initials. "Let's Have a Kiki" was fun though.

Season Grade: C
Best Episode: "The Break Up"
Worst Episode: Sadie Hawkins
Seriously, Marley fainted and they did a horrible Gangham style cover, but nooooo they have to go to sectionals or whatever even though they weren't any good this season. If the Warblers were caught doping or whatever then wouldn't the sectionals bid go to that Amish group that also performed at regionals? Not the team that was also DQ'ed. And I'm complaining about a plot hole on Glee, why?

36. The Mindy Project

When I reviewed the pilot I thought it wasn't that good but had potential. I think I'm still saying that a year later. It's still finding it's voice and I needs to find it soon. Some of the characters are good such as Danny even though he's basically Nick Miller lite. Morgan is a decent dumb character. Even after trimming the cast mid season, half the cast doesn't seem to have a function yet such as Betsy, Jeremy and Gwen. All could leave and it wouldn't matter. Mindy cycles between being funny and annoying. There are a lot of guest stars such as Bill Hader, Seth Rogan, BJ Novak who sometimes help the episodes be more than just I'm going to leave this on after New Girl while I check facebook show.

Season Grade: C+
Best Episode: The One That Got Away

Seth Rogan's guest turn is a pretty funny episode.

Worst Episode: Pilot

35. Workaholics

Workaholics is a pretty sophomoric show that is good for a few laughs. There is not much substance to it, hence this small write-up. The third season wasn't as funny as the second but had its moments.

Best Episode: Webcam Girl or True Dromance
The former for putting Lisa Loeb's "Stay" back in my head or the latter bringing back Lori Beth Denburg.

Worst Episode: The Worst Generation
I remember this episode being really stupid, which happens every third episode with this show.

34. The Joe Schmo Show 3

I was super excited for the return of this show. The first two seasons, which were about 10 years ago, were great parodys of reality shows. It didn't quite work this time. The actors weren't as good and messed up way more than the last times. The bounty hunter theme didn't quite work for me. Ralph Garman was good, as always, as the host. The person they are fooling, was not as likable as a Matt Gould. They way overdid the "look at all the crazy shit we are putting him through". Also, they only had like 10 minutes after the reveal. They need a reunion show, there needs to be way more after reveal.

33. American Dad

American Dad is the best of the Seth McFarlane shows ( with Dads coming in the fall I'm assuming based on the trailer, American Dad will still be on top). Usually there will be something brilliant that shows that if the manatees at Family Guy would put in slight effort it can be decent. There were less really great moments this season, and it ended up just being ok.

Best Episode: Blood Crieth Onto Heaven - a weird August: Osage County parody worked with the live action Patrick Stewart cameo. "You thought I was asleep, didn't you? Acting"

Worst Episode: Love AD Style- too much reliance on gross out and mean humor.

32. Modern Family

It's one third of a really good family sitcom. Each season the Gloria, Manny and Jay plots each season get more and more worthless. Manny's act got tiresome episode 2 and Gloria's act got tired 2 years ago. Ed O Neil is alright but there only so much you can do with the storylines he's given. Mitch and Cam pretty much bicker every episode and they barely show why they love each other. So basically for 14 minutes an episode it's a medicore at best comedy. For the other 7 minutes, you have good family sitcom storylines with the Dumphys. Ty Burell is really good at what he does and even if they do the same type of storylines it is still entertaining. All of them are actual characters instead of one note factories. Luke is easily the best kid actor on TV and gets the best lines quite often. Alex and Haley are some of the better smart girl and popular girl archtypes out there. Clarie can be annoying at times, but has some good episodes. They should center it around that family and make the others supporting characters who only appear when it supports the story. The would never do that because if something is getting 5.0 in the demo and like 20 undeserved Emmy nominations , why stop it?

Best Episode: Schooled - a funny, semi- touching episode

Worst Episode: Party Crasher - Gloria's baby is born ( who cares) Raffi from The League is not a correct fit for Modern Family IMO.

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