Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Comedy Death Ray 1-4-11 Review

Comedy Death Ray is a show at the Upright Citizens Brigade theatre in LA every Tuesday at 8:30. I go it just about every Tuesday. It is only 5 dollars and you get 3 hours of what I think are the highest quality comedians in the biz. Comedians like performing there, because the people there know comedy for the most part. So I might do a weekly review of the show here on this blog.

Doug Loves Movies- A-

Doug Loves Movies is a podcast that tapes before CDR. it is Doug Benson talking with other comedians/ actors about movies or other things. I have appeared twice on Doug Loves Movies, not as a guest, but once as an audience member who was wiling to get kicked in the balls by Wee-Man. More on that later... Doug's guests were Wayne Federman, Dana Gould and Andy Kindler, all fine comics. This was a well rounded DLM as everyone was funny throughout and each one had a lot to say. Sometimes one guest dominates and some guests don't say much, but all three were going at it, comedy wise. The Podcast comes out this Friday.

Jamie Lee - B

Jamie Lee had a solid act going, nothing that really stood out to me, but funny nonetheless.

Brendon Walsh - A-

Brendon Walsh had an act which was mostly about the stupid shit he does with his friends, mostly in fake mustaches. He is good at telling stories such as the time he went to a Ween concert and took too many mushrooms. I've heard a lot of bits about taking drugs, so you have to be a good storyteller to keep my interest, which he did.

Matt Walsh - B+

Matt Walsh who is one of the best at improv, did this bit where he played a character who ran the worst funeral ever. It was a pretty good bit and using the Law and Order theme as the guy who died favorite song to be played at his funeral turned out to be a good choice.

Eddie Pepitone - A

Eddie Pepitone f-ing killed it tonight. I was laughing throughout. Eddie is one of those yelling comics, but I think it works for his act. Better than it does Lewis Black. I didn't stop laughing for 12 minutes during his set.

David Koechner - C+

I was looking forward to seeing him but it took awhile for him to get into it, and most of the time he was telling the story of how his wife is having a kid in a week from now and how the kid was thought based on ultrasounds was going to be born with severe down syndrome and how the doctors actually suggested terminating it. Turns out, it was a just a virus causing that read and the kid is going to be fine. If that's not comedy, I don't know what is. I mean it was a good, personal story and he did a good job telling it and had some funny asides. I mean I do like seeing comedians do something personal and talk about something that has happened to them, such as when Brody Stevens came in and started ranting about just getting fired from Chelesa Lately that day. The vibe was kind of weird in the room at the time I guess.

Wayne Federman - A-

Wayne Federman opening bit killed because he went up right after David and went " Oh man , I was just telling David he should do his Down Syndrome bit" and other good natured ribbing about what David knew was an awkward set. Wayne kept on going pretty good from there.

Jerry Minor - A-

Jerry Minor does a lot of comedy with music. This time, he handed out slips of paper to the audience with different names of music files on his laptop. He would point to someone they would say 80's or piano ballad or whatever was on the paper and he would improvise a song to the music file. Some worked, some did not, but there were way more hits than misses.

Greg Fitzsimmons - B

Greg for the first half of the act just talked to Jerry Minor, mostly about their time on the Cedric the Entertainer sketch show ( even I barely remember it). It felt like his podcast, which I only listen to if there is a good guest on. The rest of his act was somewhat good, but not great.

All in all a pretty good show I'd give it a A-

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