Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Top 6 Board Games of 2013

This year I became obsessed with board games. I play board games at least 3 times a week. As of this writing I have gamed 8 nights in a row. I have a problem. With that, this is my Top 6 of 2013. Why 6. I decided only to rank the games I really liked, that fall in the category of games I try to get played. I have a 5 tier rating system as follows:

  • Games I try to get played
  • Games I say "yea I'll play that" (in a chipper voice) - Space Cadets: Dice Duel, Augustus, Forbidden Desert, Cinque Terre, Via Appia are 2013 examples of this
  • Games I say "sure I'll play that, I guess" - Compounded, Ladies and Gentlemen, Pixel Lincoln
  • Games I'll play if theres no other possibility or will play because eh, its short enough- Coup
  • Games where I'm like "no thanks" I'll wait for another game to finsh
There two games that technically came out in 2012 on the list, one because the American version came out this year (so that's the excuse to use that one) and one because it was late 2012, and I wanted some competition with what would be the runaway number 1.

6. Bruges


I think Stefan Feld is one of my favorite designers. Castles of Burgundy is my 3rd favorite game of all time (behind this years top 2!) So yea, this game, so many different things to do with one card, and different ways to score. I have only played this once, but I assume it has a lot of replay to it. It somehow has depth, isn't too difficult and isn't too long. I feel you get a lot of play within an hour. However, I would say it should be slightly longer.

5. Blueprints


Blueprints is a good, light, short game. You are basically using dice to build buildings and trying to score points or achieve an award to score points.  It's fun, has a decent amount of strategy to it. As with most dice rolling games, your staregy might change with the dice rolls. The fact that the first time I learned it, was with way the wrong rules on how to score, so much I was like "the scoring system seems unfair" but still thought it was a good game speaks highly of it.

4. Bora Bora


Explanation of the game via Board Game Geek:

In Bora Bora, players use dice to perform a variety of actions using careful insight and tactical planning. The heart of the game is its action resolution system in which 5-7 actions are available each round, the exact number depending on the number of players. Each player rolls three dice at the start of the round, then they take turns placing one die at a time on one action. Place a high number on an action, and you'll generally get a better version of that action: more places to build, more choices of people to take, better positioning on the temple track, and so on. Place a low number and you'll get a worse action – but you'll possibly block other players from taking the action at all as in order to take an action you must place a die on it with a lower number than any die already on the action.
Three task tiles on a player's individual game board provide some direction as to what he might want to do, while god tiles allow for special actions and rule-breaking, as gods are wont to do. The player who best watches how the game develops and uses the most effective strategy will prevail.
So its another Feld on my list. Again there is so much to do in this game and the them totally works for it. You can't do all the strategies possible but you can't avoid some. Avoiding priests hurt me in this game. Avoid building buildings and you miss out on a lot early points and fire bonuses. And you have goals every turn also! It will cost you points and end game points to not get them every round. Again, only played it once, but want to play it much more.

3. Trains


It's Dominion with a board. However, I like it better than Dominion. And I like Dominion. The Waste cards, which give you extra cards that do nothing in your deck, are a nice addition. The waste cards come whenever you do something that helps you with points such as building rails on the board, getting points cards and placing stations. You have to balance the points you are scoring with it with the waste you are getting. The different combos of cards that are available per game can change the strategy. I've played it 5 times and am still interested in playing it more.

2. Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport


Whhhhhaaaaaaat???? But Sean, you are the self proclaimed best Lords player in Los Angeles? How is it number 2? Didn't you say that the expansion adds greatly to the already great base game. How you would only really want to play expansion for the most part? That the corruption mechanic adds a new complexity to the game. How Undermountain is even better than Skullport, due to the interesting plot quests and ways to get and play interesting intrigue cards. Yes, I did say all of that and the top 2 games are basically almost a tie. Lords is a game where you can develop complex strategies but the game is easy enough that I can teach it to new people. This is the one game I own on this list.

1. Terra Mystica


Surprise! So why did this game top Lords? One, it is a better game. Lords is a pretty standard worker placement. Terra Mystica is more complex. Like many games on this list there is a lot of different ways to get points. Terra is just a very well made game. Even if I didn't like playing it, I would say its a very well made game. But I love playing it. The game has given me a challenge. I have finished 2nd in 3 games in a row. All came down to me just having to make one small different move. You have to apply how one move will effect the other in this game. You have to try and take advantage of the bonuses each round. You have to build long routes, you have to build cities. But you also have to get high on the cult track! The power cycle is important as if you treat it right, it can give you many more moves. The first game I played, I had really bad power cycling so much as on the last turn I finished and was able to play a whole short party game in the space of time my opponents used on their last round. I've gotten better since then and I love it even more. There is also 14 different races to choose from all which offer different interesting ways to play the game. Like I said with this game I have the challenge of finally getting a damn win in it. Maybe that is why it is number one at this point and time. I'm enjoying this challenge, it makes every move exciting and the game exciting and thrilling. This game is what board games are about to me, super fun, while also giving me a challenge.