Sunday, December 26, 2010

My ranking of all the movies of the year!

I have officially defected from Tyler's blog ( because between his posts about the wisdom of nature or the meaning of life or whatever, my Top 10 Workout Jams didn't really play. But seriously, read his blog, the posts are awesomely written and he has interesting views on life.

To kick this off I am going to rank all the movies I've seen this year in one ranking from worst to best.

38 You Again 64 D

2010 might be the year I fell out of love with Kristen Bell. I loved her in Veronica Mars and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. However, she has become awful at picking movies to be in. This movie, a movie coming up real soon on the list and Burlesque ( which I heard is horri-bad). I am glad I saw this movie for free at a screening. It is the the prime example of what is wrong with the romantic comedy genre. I enjoy love stories, I enjoy comedies, so romantic comedies should be up my alley. However, so many of them are lazy because they are cheap to make and usually make a profit so good and bad ones make about the same amount. So why put effort into making it any good? This movie replaces good funny dialogue with Kristen Bell tripping and falling. I don't understand romcoms obsession with the clumsy girl. To have your main character fall down and go boom is much easier than actually coming up with something funny. And they do it over and over again in this movie. General movie rule for me: if a woman trips in a trailer I will not see the movie. ( Mean Girls is an exception to the rule). Otherwise, the story is just OK, the characters largely uninteresting and the writing is pretty bad. Betty White isn't bad in it, but most of the others aren't at their best. The films bright spot is Kristen Bell's rival in the movie, Odette Yustman, who is the only one who has some charm even though she's the villain. She's not given much good to do, but I see potential there.

37. When in Rome - 65 D

I told you it was coming soon. Again I saw it for free after me and friends missed out on a preview screening of The Killers ( which by what I've heard might be worse than this movie) . I don't remember much of this movie, but the plot is pretty stupid. Something about a magic coin that makes a bunch of guys fall in love with her. Huh? It's Kristen Bell, I don't need a magic coin for me to fall in love with her. However, I need this movie to love her less. She is not her charming self in this movie either. Jon Heder plays a Criss Angel/ David Blaine type magician, and fails. Why would you cast Jon Heder in that type of role, it makes no sense. Why would you cast Jon Heder at all for that matter? There might be some funny parts and Will Arnett is in it but it is mostly crap but did not anger me as much as You Again did so it misses out on worst movie of the year.

36. Valentine's Day - 74 C

Love Actually it is not. The thing is I cared about all the relationships in Love, Actually. This movie however, I did not give a shit at all. Anne Hathaway was charming in it and I kind of liked the gay Brett Farve type guy subplot. Jennifer Garner was alright, and Kutcher wasn't horrible. Most of the stories are mediocre and some characters are annoying like Jamie Foxx's and George Lopez's characters( mostly because he's George Lopez). I'm a sucker for a movie in the Love, Actually multi story multi star style, even thought they usually suck, like this one.

35. Alice In Wonderland - 74 C

So I've seen this movie two times, both times fell asleep for long parts of it. It is whimsical but just overall boring. When a movie has a bunch of weird shit in it but bores the crap out of me, then I just cannot rate it high. I'm sorry, I'm over Johnny Depp being weird movies, it really didn't work for me here, like it worked for me in Edward Scissorhands.

34. Hot Tub Time Machine - 75 C

This movie should of been better. It should have been a stupid funny movie. However, most jokes ended up failing with mediocre performance by what I thought would be a good comedy cast of Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, Clark Duke and John Cusack ( yes, Tyler, John Cusack). The parts with Crispin Glover were quality though, the funniest thing in the movie.

33. Morning Glory - 75 C

Watch out Rachel McAdams, you better stop doing movies like this if you don't want to be the next Kristen Bell. Here is my problem with the movie: Harrison Fords character is obviously a horrible choice for a morning show. The fact that after a few days they don't go with someone else makes the whole point of the movie stupid. Why would a smart woman like McAdams character think that a serious newsman should be on a silly morning show? Here is another problem the network they are on is called IBS! First off, its a crappy joke ( get it? HA!) However, because it's the networks name they are stuck with it for the whole movie when it should of been a one off joke. Add in mediocre performances all around and a useless romantic subplot and you have the number 33 movie of the year.

32. Dinner for Schmucks 77 C+

Maybe biggest disappointment of the year. I love Paul Rudd, I love Steve Carell, I love Jermaine Clement. I love Zach Galifianakis. I do not love this movie. They all give it their all in this movie and this movie would be closer to the bottom without them. A lot of the movie is unfunny stupid type stuff. The last part with the actual Dinner for Schmucks should of been much funnier, but it was not. With a lesser cast this movie would be an absolute piece of crap.

31. Iron Man 2 77 C+

This is the last of the movies I somewhat disliked. The first Iron Man was a pretty good superhero movie. The story and script is pretty weak and overall boring. The cast is so-so, Don Cheadle, Paltrow and Scarlett Johhannson are not given much to do and Mickey Rourke as the villain is OK when you can understand him. I did somewhat enjoy Sam Rockwell's character, but to be honest, I do not remember much of this movie either.

30. McGruber 80 B-

Ok this is a better example than Hot Tub Time Machine how a silly comedy should be done. The movie overall is stupid but does have some pretty funny parts. It did an ok job taking a 30 second sketch into a 90 minute movie.

29. The Expendables - 80 B-

This movie is far from a good movie, but basically I left the theatre saying "Wow, that was pretty entertaining" so sometimes that is all that matters.

28. Winters Bone - 81 B-

Jennifer Lawerence gives an Oscar worthy performance in it, and it is also well written, but for the most part I was bored throughout. So basically the opposite of the Expendables.

27. Cryus 86 B

So the next 10-15 movies are all around 86-89 so they are closely bunched together. I think this is the best Jonah Hill has been since Superbad. I thought his character was complex in this movie. John C. Reilly plays a semi-loveable loser put in a weird spot between a woman who actually likes him ( Marisa Tomei) and her Oedipus complex of a son.

26. Youth In Revolt 86 B

Ok so it is Michael Cera being Michael Cera again but now he has another personality ( which is Michael Cera in a mustache and evil). But here is the thing, I really like Michael Cera, he cracks me up, so he can do the same thing if he wants because it is working for me.

25. Cop Out- 86 B

Yet another buddy cop movie. However, this has Tracey Morgan in it and Kevin Smith directing going for it ( some might say going against it). Overall, just a fun movie to watch, nothing really new. Smith does an alright job directing it, but with him writing the movie as well, it just doesn't feel like a Kevin Smith movie, so I don't rank it along with his others. Sean William Scott is very enjoyable as a criminal in this movie and it has some funny moments but overall, nothing special. Red State looks like its going to be good though. I'd rather listen to his podcasts than watch this again though.

24. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows Part 1 - 86 B

Pretty entertaining, I enjoyed the scenes with the multiple Harry Potters. They spent a little to much time in the woods hiding out, but a solid outing for the Potter crew.

23. The Kids Are Alright - 86 B

There is awesome acting throughout this movie by Annette Bening, Juilanne Moore, Mark Ruffalo and Mia Wasikowska and a well written screenplay. However, it just never came together for me as a truly great movie, but I still think it is solid.

22. Despicable Me 86 B

Pretty enjoyable kids flick. A cute story of an evil mastermind who ends up looking after 3 loveable orphans as part of his master plan but ends up bonding with them. I thought it was well written with a lot of clever jokes throughout.

21. Date Night - 87 B+

Solid Tina Fey/ Steve Carell comedy. Provided a good amount of laughs and held my attention throughout. Another movie helped by the charms of the actors in it. James Franco, Mila Kunis, JB Smoove and Mark Walhberg all make great cameos in it.

20. My Name is Kahn - 87 B+

Wow, so this seemingly charming Indian movie about an autistic guy who gets the girl turns on a dime before intermission when their kid gets killed by a bully at school and it becomes really weird where he has to find Obama to tell him something but along the way inspires a bunch of people and saves families from a Katrina type storm. It is pretty good despite being a comedy for 70 minutes then a dark drama the next 70 minutes.

19. Best Worst Movie 87 B+

Troll 2 is no The Room in terms of bad movies, but it sure is horrible and is the subject of this doc.
The son from Troll 2 made a doc about the cult following of Troll 2. Most of the cast is interviewed including the dad in the movie, who is a dentist who seems to love cashing in on his new found cult fame. He will go around saying his catchphrase " You don't piss on hospitality" to anyone who will hear. Overall, it is an interesting documentary and worth a gander.

18. Waiting for Superman 87 B+

A hard hitting documentary on the condition of the school system in America and why it is failing. One of the most gut retching scenes this year in movies is watching the kids in the movie and their future being controlled by a lottery to get into charter schools.

17. Get Him to the Greek 87 B+

While very funny, this is another one of my disappointments of the year. A spin off of Forgetting Sarah Marshall with one of my favorite characters from said movie? Should be a slam dunk, but was more of a well executed layup. Solid movie, with a surprisingly funny P Diddy ( is that what is now or is it Sean Combs? Eh, don't care)

16. Black Swan - 87 B+

The creepiest movie of the year that I have seen. Natalie Portman gives maybe the best performance of her life in this movie ( I do love her in Garden State though). You are always guessing what is real and what is in her dark mind as she transforms into the Black Swan. Lots of twists and weird turns in the movie that are sometimes too much, but the performance of Portman and Mila Kunis and Barbra Hershey really drive this movie.

15. The Town - 88 B+

I always thought Ben Affleck was a better actor than people give him credit for, but he might be an even better director. I liked this movie just as much as I did Gone Baby Gone, maybe even more. Story was good, had some exciting scenes and rarely ever dragged.

14. City Island 88 B+

This movie is a feel good family story about a jail warden who discovers he has a long lost son in jail, so brings him to live with him and his family ( but doesn't tell the family). Also, he wants to be an actor! Andy Garcia gives a likeable performance as the dad of the family. Just an overall enjoyable movie.

13. The Other Guys - 89 B+

The best movie Will Ferell has done in a while, a return to form. Thinking back about this movie, it does have a lot of original and funny comedy in it, including some suprises I wasn't expecting them to go to ( SPOILER ALERT) ( ex. Rock and Sam Jackson falling to their deaths, Will Ferell's character being a pimp). I ain't too proud to beg that this is a red light special soon, because I don't want No Scrubs. Hey Sean, are you quoting TLC songs? Ummmm no, why do you ask? Never heard of them.

12. Going the Distance - 89 B+

Now this is how a romcom should go. Funny people, good dialogue and a couple that has chemistry and seems like actual likable people to be around. The movie did what I thought was impossible, it made me like Drew Barrymore! I haven't liked her in anything since E.T. Plus it has Charlie Day, and that is for sure a plus. I met Charlie Day once at a Chinese New Year parade, he's a nice guy.

11. Easy A - 89 B+

Emma Stone might be one of the rising stars in comedy, I saw potential in her in Superbad. I very much enjoy her style. The best part of the movie, I thought, were any scenes with the parents as played by Stanley Tucci and Patrica Clarkson.

10. Winnebago Man - 89 B+

This is my favorite documentary of the year. It is about Jack Rebney, a guy who curse filled outtakes from a Winnebago sales video were a big YouTube hit. He has become somewhat of a hermit who lives in the woods, but eventually the guy making the doc found him. He interviews him and he seems like a normal guy, but weeks later he gets a call from him and that is not the case. Jack agrees to further interviewing if he can get his anti- Cheney/ Bush message out. He seems reluctant to go to see his many fans, because he thinks anyone who watches dumb videos on the Internet is an idiot. However, by the end of the movie he realizes that his fans are just smart people who like his video because it brings them joy. Overall, a well done documentary about a more fascinating man than one would think.

9. Kick Ass - 89 B+

I don't understand why this movie did not do well at the box office. It is one of the more original superhero movies in a while. We all have thought at some point, I wish I was a superhero, I mean that's the whole basis of the SeanMan comics I made in 4th grade. Well, this guy actually goes out and does it despite having no skills for the most part. Chloe Moretz and Nic Cage as Hit Girl and Big Daddy are one of the best duos of the year. Chloe would have the best teenage girl performance of the year if not for an upcoming movie on the list. Hit Girl is one of the top characters of 2010

8. Inception - 90 A-

While I was confused and the movie sometimes dragged during the first hour and a half or so, the last hour makes up for it in spades. I think the last hour was non-stop excitement for me with awesome unique scenes like the rotating hallway scene ( which is in my top 5 scenes of the year). The last hour brought it all together for me, if the rest of the movie was like that, it would be higher up and maybe a classic, but too much of the first part was to set up the last hour.

7. The Fighter - 90 A-

In the pantheon of boxing movies, it's no Raging Bull, but still very solid. Great performances all around especially by Christian Bale as the crackhead former boxer brother of Mark Wahlberg. The interesting thing about this movie is that there are two forces trying to lead Wahlberg's character's career (his mom ( Melissa Leo) and brother being one and Amy Adams being the other) but you never really know which side is better for him.

6. The Kings Speech - 91 A-

Colin Firth gives one of the best performances of the year as George VI, who eventually ends up being king. However, he has a stammer that has plagued him for most of his life. Geoffrey Rush is awesome as his unorthodox speech therapist. They play off each other really well. It just basically is a well written, well acted feel good story.

5. 127 Hours - 91 A-

To have an engrossing movie in which for 80 percent of it is just one guy in one location is quite a feat. James Franco should be given a lot of credit for this. Going into the movie I knew an arm cutting scene was coming so I lot of the tenseness of the movie comes from when it is going to happen. It is a brutal scene to watch, but from what I saw between looking away, it is pretty well done. Although I agree with comedian Pete Holmes who said "If it was me, the movie would be called 65 minutes" . I think I would cut my arm off earlier, but I would not know how to, so yea, I'll probably die.

4. True Grit - 92 A-

I do enjoy most Coen brothers movies, but most fall into the B+ range for me. They are really good filmmakers, but I think slightly overrated. I actually think at this moment this might be my favorite Coen brothers movie. The story which has somewhat the same theme as Winter's Bone, but I think much more entertaining and well done. The story is about Hailee Steinfeld's character Mattie Ross who is a 14 year old kid who acts like a strong full grown woman who wants to avenge her father's death. Lots of times a kid acting beyond his/her years can be annoying but Steinfeld really brings it in this movie as does Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon.

3. The Social Network - 93 A

From the first scene of the movie, you think "Hey this guy is an asshole" and that certainly didn't stop at any point during. He is however, an facilitating character. Much more than one would think he would be. They take a movie about creating a website and lawsuits and make it as exciting as an action film. The movie is really well written, possibly the best written movie of the year, and all the performances highlight that. Jessie Eisenberg is no longer a poor man's Micheal Cera in my book anymore after this movie.

2. Toy Story 3 - 95 A

Right up until today this was my number 1 movie of the year. I changed my mind watching the top two today. It was nothing i found wrong with this movie, because there pretty much is nothing wrong. It seems ever year since 2008 Pixar has topped itself. This now my new favorite Pixar movie and the best of the Toy Story movies. It has maybe the two best scenes of the year. SPOILER ALERT First off, the scene in the incinerator where they think they are about to die and then hold hands was so well done and powerful. The fact that while watching it I thought they would die even though it defies all logic that they would just kill them all off, speaks volume about how engrossed I was in the movie. Then the final scene where Andy gives his toys away to Bonnie is the perfect happy ending.

1. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World - 95 A

The cover on my Blu-Ray of this movie has a quote from Peter Travers from Rolling Stone that says "A Game- Changer". And I would have to agree, but for some reason America did not. This movie is so unique and I feel like it should have been a bigger deal. There are so many things about this movie that I've never or rarely seen done at all or as well as in this movie. The editing style I love, scenes just weave into one another, its a style I've never seen done as well as it was done here. Then you have the video game and comic book influences that work real well. Like whenever Scott defeats an evil ex he gets coins or like in fight scenes there are POW's and stuff like that from comic books or the old Batman TV show. The visual style is just so money. And you know I love me some Michael Cera, and he's at his best Cera form since Superbad. I changed it just a few hours ago, it was so close, but I feel like this because it is so unique and hopefully influencial deserves number 1.